Pussy features in my stand-up comedy too...
I'm with her (to the right of his pussy-kicking foot) |
but not quite in the same way that it features in the stand-up comedy of international superstar comedian Dave Chapelle who kicks off his latest, and he says
last Netflix comedy special with a joke that he wrote expressly in order to finish with the punchline: 'So I kicked her in the pussy'. The wider purpose of this worthy exercise was to prove how 'easy' comedy is for him, which he says is the reason why he is quitting. It's
too easy. Arrogant much? Just a bit.
He also thinks it hilarious to mock the audience for not seeing the punchline coming when he had announced that this was the way he wrote comedy, shitty punchline first. He didn't call it shitty, of course. He thinks it's comedy gold.
I saw it coming and didn't laugh, but I wasn't as wrapped up in the experience as those in the audience would have been having bought their tickets wishfully hoping that when he came out charging with his pussy-kicking joke, he was somehow going to redeem the sexism of it in the rest of the show and they weren't going to be subjected to a whole hour of the same. Those people, other than his fellow sexists, laughed nervously at the pussy punchline and not because they thought it out and out funny, at least that was my interpretation of the audience's reaction to the kicked pussy.
Needless to say the pussy he wrote a looooong joke in order to kick in his punchline was white. The last kicked 'pussy' (woman) he made overt fun of on stage was that belonging to the brutally murdered, brazenly justice-denied wife of OJ Simpson, the man he described as 'the most interesting, articulate and intelligent dude' he'd ever met.
We didn't turn him off at that point, though my finger was hovering on the trigger.
But when he almost immediately started in on an Asian woman in a previous audience who he said he could tell was a bitch just from her face I did pull the trigger. Presumably he thinks that because he married an Asian woman Asian women, like white women, are fair game for his overt and deliberately provocative sexism.
It's clear he wants a reaction from women. To me it's clear he doesn't like women at all. And he invariably gets a reaction from some brave woman or other in the audience, which he then happily reports back on and mocks in his subsequent shows.
He's having fun, clearly, which is great. I guess that's what it's all about for so many male comedians, public self-pleasuring at the expense of women. Indeed he apparently goes on to defend Louis C.K. and say he suffered more than his female victims. Yeah, d'man knows what women suffer, it's nothin' compared to what the brothers suffer, even the white brothers. Of course. It has always been so and always will be.
I'm done with Chapelle, as is this woman on Twitter:
My next post is on a young male comedian who is not only
not sexist but is bold and evolved enough to use his stand-up - which is hilarious - to confront the problem of male sexism. He deserves a separate post.